books by subject
Philosophy of Education

Educational Policies and Inequalities in Europe

Values in Education and Education in Values

Children's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development: Primary and Early Years

Education and Global Cultural Dialogue: A Tribute to Ruth Hayhoe

Turning Teaching Inside Out: A Pedagogy of Transformation for Community-Based Education

Mass Education, Global Capital, and the World: The Theoretical Lenses of Istvan Meszaros and Immanuel Wallerstein

Teaching Excellence in Higher Education

Knowing and Learning as Creative Action: A Reexamination of the Epistemological Foundations of Education

Curriculum Studies in the United States: Present Circumstances, Intellectual Histories

Post-Secondary Education and Technology: A Global Perspective on Opportunities and Obstacles to Development

Widening Participation in Higher Education: Casting the Net Wide?

The Comprehensive Public High School: Historical Perspectives

Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Learning Policy

Intellectual Disability: An Inability to Cope with an Intellectually Demanding World

Ways of Escape: Modern Transformations in Leisure and Travel

Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in Asia/Pacific and Africa: Perspectives on Development, Education, and Culture

The Educational Innovators, 1750-1967: 2 Volume Set

Richard Hoggart and Cultural Studies

Japan and Education

The Politics of Trauma in Education

Histories of Social Studies and Race: 1865-2000

John Dewey's Philosophy of Education: An Introduction and Recontextualization for Our Times

Educational Diversity: The Subject of Difference and Different Subjects

Higher Education Policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Convergence towards a Common Model?

Cambridge Reading Adventures Jamila Finds a Friend Pink A Band

History, Education, and the Schools

Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Education: The Battle for World-Class Excellence

Albert Schweitzer's Legacy for Education: Reverence for Life

Cyber Spaces/Social Spaces: Culture Clash in Computerized Classrooms