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Physical States of Matter

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Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion: 17 (ERCOFTAC Series, 17)

By Merci, Bart, Roekaerts, Dirk, SADIKI, AMSINI

Explorations in Quantum Computing (Texts in Computer Science)

By Williams, Colin P.

An Introduction to Integrable Techniques for One-Dimensional Quantum Systems: 940 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 940)

By Franchini, Fabio

Thermal Transport in Low Dimensions: From Statistical Physics to Nanoscale Heat Transfer: 921 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 921)

By Lepri, Stefano

A Primer in Density Functional Theory: 620 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 620)

By Fiolhais, Carlos, Nogueira, Fernando, Marques, Miguel A.L.

Photoemission Spectroscopy on High Temperature Superconductor: A Study of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission (Springer Theses)

By Zhang, Wentao

Multilayer Integrated Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators

By Zhang, Yafei, Chen, Da

Topological Insulators: Dirac Equation in Condensed Matters: 174 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 174)

By Shen, Shun-Qing

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Models (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

By Lavis, David A.

Liquid Crystal Colloids (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Muševič, Igor

Growth of Crystals: 21

By Givargizov, E.I., Mel'nikova, A.M.

Polymer Science Dictionary

By Alger, Mark

Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology

By BHUSHAN, Bharat

New Trends in Optical Soliton Transmission Systems: 5 (Solid-State Science and Technology Library)

By Hasegawa, Akira

Introduction to the Theory of Soft Matter: From Ideal Gases to Liquid Crystals (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Selinger, Jonathan V.

Cyclic Polymers

By J. Anthony Semlyen

Non-Equilibrium Nano-Physics: A Many-Body Approach: 809 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 809)

By Fransson, Jonas

Symmetries of Integro-Differential Equations: With Applications in Mechanics and Plasma Physics: 806 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 806)

By Meleshko, Sergey V., Grigoriev, Yurii N., Ibragimov, N. Kh., Kovalev, Vladimir F.

Flash Memories: Economic Principles of Performance, Cost and Reliability Optimization: 40 (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, 40)

By Richter, Detlev

Semiconductor Devices (Tutorial Guides in Electronic Engineering)

By Sparkes, J.

A Map of the Invisible: Journeys into Particle Physics

By Butterworth, Jon

Introduction to Soft Matter: Polymers, Colloids, Amphiles and Liquid Crystals

By Hamley, Ian W.

Structural Mineralogy: An Introduction: 7 (Solid Earth Sciences Library, 7)

By Lima-de-Faria, J.

Numerical Methods for Shallow-Water Flow: 13 (Water Science and Technology Library, 13)

By Vreugdenhil, C.B.

Dynamic Processes of Material Transport and Transformation in the Earth's Interior (Materials Science of Minerals and Rocks)

By Marumo, F.

Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap van Suchtelen (Materials Science of Minerals and Rocks)

By Sunagawa, Ichiro

Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap van Suchtelen (Materials Science of Minerals and Rocks)

By Sunagawa, Ichiro

Nano-Optics: Principles Enabling Basic Research and Applications (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)

By Di Bartolo, Baldassare, Collins, John, Silvestri, Luciano

Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume 1: Micro- and Macroscopic Constitutive Behaviour: 180 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 180)

By Francois, Dominique, Pineau, Andre, Zaoui

Energy-Aware System Design: Algorithms and Architectures

By Kyung, Chong-Min, Yoo, Sungjoo