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Physical States of Matter

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Photoemission Spectroscopy on High Temperature Superconductor: A Study of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission (Springer Theses)

By Zhang, Wentao

A Primer in Density Functional Theory: 620 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 620)

By Fiolhais, Carlos, Nogueira, Fernando, Marques, Miguel A.L.

Thermal Transport in Low Dimensions: From Statistical Physics to Nanoscale Heat Transfer: 921 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 921)

By Lepri, Stefano

An Introduction to Integrable Techniques for One-Dimensional Quantum Systems: 940 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 940)

By Franchini, Fabio

Explorations in Quantum Computing (Texts in Computer Science)

By Williams, Colin P.

Spin Electronics

By Awschalom, David D., Buhrman, Robert A., Daughton, James M., von Molnár, Stephan, Roukes, Michael L.

Nonlinear Optics and Laser Emission through Random Media (Springer Theses)

By Folli, Viola

Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals: From Viscoelastic Properties to Living Liquid Crystals (Springer Theses)

By Zhou, Shuang

Rheology of Biological Soft Matter: Fundamentals and Applications (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Kaneda, Isamu

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Mauri, Roberto

The Structure of Ionic Liquids (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Caminiti, Ruggero, Gontrani, Lorenzo

Thermal Properties of Solids at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures (International Cryogenics Monograph Series)

By Ventura, Guglielmo, Perfetti, Mauro

Non-Linear Dynamics Near and Far from Equilibrium

By Bhattacharjee, J.K., Bhattacharyya, S.

Engineering Fluid Mechanics: 85 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 85)

By Yamaguchi, H.

Fluid Flow Phenomena: A Numerical Toolkit (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications): 55

By Orlandi, Paolo

Transport and Fluctuations in Granular Fluids: From Boltzmann Equation to Hydrodynamics, Diffusion and Motor Effects (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

By Puglisi, Andrea

Linear Response Theory: An Analytic-Algebraic Approach: 21 (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, 21)

By De Nittis, Giuseppe, Lein, Max

Micromechanics and Nanoscale Effects: MEMS, Multi-Scale Materials and Micro-Flows: 10 (ICASE LaRC Interdisciplinary Series in Science and Engineering, 10)

By Harik, Vasyl Michael, Li-Shi Luo

Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Multi-Commutators and Applications to Response Theory: 13 (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, 13)

By Bru, J.-B., de Siqueira Pedra, W.

A Computational Non-commutative Geometry Program for Disordered Topological Insulators: 23 (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, 23)

By Prodan, Emil

Springer Handbook of Lasers and Optics

By Trager, Frank

Structure and Properties of Liquid Crystals

By Blinov, Lev M.

Rheology and Processing of Liquid Crystal Polymers: 2 (Polymer Liquid Crystals Series, 2)

By Acierno, Domenico, Collyer, A.A.

Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions: Volume 1: Absorbing Phase Transitions (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

By Henkel, Malte, Hinrichsen, Haye, Lubeck, Sven

X-ray and Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and Applications: 770 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 770)

By Daillant, Jean, Gibaud, Alain

Neutron and X-ray Spectroscopy

By Hippert, Françoise, Geissler, Erik, Hodeau, Jean Louis, Lelièvre-Berna, Eddy, Regnard, Jean-René

X-rays for Archaeology

By Uda, M., Demortier, G., Nakai, I.

Photo-Excited Charge Collection Spectroscopy: Probing the traps in field-effect transistors (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

By IM, Seongil, Chang, Youn-Gyoung, Kim, Jae Hoon

Acoustic Metamaterials: Negative Refraction, Imaging, Lensing and Cloaking: 166 (Springer Series in Materials Science, 166)

By Craster, Richard V., Guenneau, SEBASTIEN

X-Ray Lasers 2006: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, August 20-25, 2006, Berlin, Germany: 115 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, 115)

By Nickles, P.V., Janulewicz, K.A.