books by subject
Political Science
Religious Reconstruction in the South Asian Diasporas: From One Generation to Another
The State and Kurds in Turkey: The Question of Assimilation
Hong Kong's Indigenous Democracy: Origins, Evolution and Contentions
Investment Incentives and the Global Competition for Capital
The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government
Children and Migration: At the Crossroads of Resiliency and Vulnerability
AIDS in the Twenty-First Century: Disease and Globalization Fully Revised and Updated Edition
EU Civil Society: Patterns of Cooperation, Competition and Conflict
Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors: Executive Leadership in Western Democracies
The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security
Globalization, Police Reform and Development: Doing it the Western Way?
Nigeria Since Independence: Forever Fragile?
Media Power and The Transformation of War
Memory, Politics and Identity: Haunted by History
European Union Budget Reform: Institutions, Policy and Economic Crisis
Class Inequality in Austerity Britain: Power, Difference and Suffering
The Politics of Marketing the Labour Party
Feminisms, HIV and AIDS: Subverting Power, Reducing Vulnerability
Governing Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Political Labor, Power, and Government
Geography and Memory: Explorations in Identity, Place and Becoming
Autonomy, Ethnicity, and Poverty in Southwestern China: The State Turned Upside Down
The New Transnationalism: Transnational Governance and Democratic Legitimacy
The Dynamics of Referendum Campaigns: An International Perspective
Gender and Educational Philanthropy: New Perspectives on Funding, Collaboration, and Assessment
Nuclear Or Not?: Does Nuclear Power Have a Place in a Sustainable Energy Future?
Case Studies and Causal Inference: An Integrative Framework
Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform: Europe and the US in Comparative Perspective
Industries and Globalization: The Political Causality of Difference
The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration