books by subject
Political Science
Sub-Saharan Africa's Development Challenges: A Case Study of Rwanda's Post-Genocide Experience
Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas
The Global Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Science: Regenerative Medicine in Transition
The Long March: The Political Strategy of Sinn Fein, 1981-2007
Television and Terror: Conflicting Times and the Crisis of News Discourse
Performance Information in the Public Sector: How it is Used
Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in Southeastern Europe: A Question of Justice
Media-State Relations in Emerging Democracies
Populist Parties in Europe: Agents of Discontent?
Post-frontier Resource Governance: Indigenous Rights, Extraction and Conservation in the Peruvian Amazon
'The Chinese Century'?: The Challenge to Global Order
The Royal Minorities of Medieval and Early Modern England
Reinventing Japan: From Merchant Nation to Civic Nation
Citizen-Consumers and Evolution: Reducing Environmental Harm through Our Social Motivation
Gendering the Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives
Migration and Cultural Inclusion in the European City
Civil Society Contributions to Policy Innovation in the PR China: Environment, Social Development and International Cooperation
The Making of a European President
Poverty, Livelihoods, and Governance in Africa: Fulfilling the Development Promise
Global Governance and Diplomacy: Worlds Apart?
The Presidential Republic
Geopiracy: Oaxaca, Militant Empiricism, and Geographical Thought
Public Emotions
Restoration and Revolution in Britain: Political Culture in the Era of Charles II and the Glorious Revolution
Power and German Foreign Policy: Embedded Hegemony in Europe
Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on the New Paradigm of Peace and War
Constructions of European Identity: Debates and Discourses on Turkey and the EU
Constructing Democracy in Transitioning Societies of Africa: Constitutionalism and Deliberation in Mali
The Middle East and Globalization: Encounters and Horizons