books by subject
Population & Demography

The Geography, Nature and History of the Tropical Pacific and its Islands (World Regional Geography Book Series)

Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Shaping Debates and Policies

Handbook of Population (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research)

Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West

Cultures of Exile and the Experience of Refugeeness

Refugee Education: Mapping the Field

Refugee Children in the Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers

A Suitable Enemy: Racism, Migration and Islamophobia in Europe

Worlds Apart: Women Under Immigration Law (The Women, Immigration and Nationality Group)

Mediterranean Mobilities: Europe's Changing Relationships

Identity, Belonging and Migration (Studies in Social & Political Thought): 17 (Studies in Social and Political Thought)

The End of Tolerance: Racism in 21st Century Britain

From Time Immemorial

American Warsaw: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Polish Chicago

Obligation in Exile: The Jewish Diaspora, Israel and Critique

The Lords of Human Kind: European attitudes to the outside world in the imperial age (Pelican)

Who is Charlie?: Xenophobia and the New Middle Class

An Essay On the Principle of Population & a Summary View of the Principle of Population (Classics)

The Race Gallery

Changing Race: Latinos, the Census and the History of Ethnicity (Critical America (New York University Paperback)): 41

The Wretched of the Earth

Imperialism: A Study

Loathe Thy Neighbour (LBC Leading Britain's Conversation)

Justice Delayed: How Britain Became a Refuge for Nazi War Criminals

Most Vulnerable of All: The Treatment of Unaccompanied Refugee Children in the UK

Family History on the Move: Where Your Ancestors Went and Why (National Archives)

A Hope More Powerful than the Sea

The Earl Of Petticoat Lane

The Origins of the British: The New Prehistory of Britain