books by subject
Population & Demography
Oriental Identities in Super-Diverse Britain: Young Vietnamese in London
The EU and Immigration Policies: Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe?
China's Hukou System: Markets, Migrants and Institutional Change
Imperial Migrations: Colonial Communities and Diaspora in the Portuguese World
Britain's Liberal Empire 1897-1921: Volume 1 of Imperial Sunset
Deskilling Migrant Women in the Global Care Industry
The Central and East European Population since 1850
Cross Border Migrant Organizations in Comparative Perspective
International Migration, Development and Human Wellbeing
Immigration and Citizenship in an Enlarged European Union: The Political Dynamics of Intra-EU Mobility
Caribbean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Caribbean Region
Social Transformation and Migration: National and Local Experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia
Migrant Capital: Networks, Identities and Strategies
Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond
Women and Fluid Identities: Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women
Punjabi Immigrant Mobility In the United States: Adaptation Through Race and Class
Young Migrants: Exclusion and Belonging in Europe
Children and Migration: At the Crossroads of Resiliency and Vulnerability
Of States, Rights, and Social Closure: Governing Migration and Citizenship
Towards a Theory of Immigration
Social Justice through Citizenship?: The Politics of Muslim Integration in Germany and Great Britain
The Portable Island: Cubans at Home in the World
Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy, and Beyond
Reverse Migration in Contemporary China: Returnees, Entrepreneurship and the Chinese Economy
Managing an Age-Diverse Workforce
The Language of Asylum: Refugees and Discourse
Border Shifts: New Mobilities in Europe and Beyond
Reworking Postcolonialism: Globalization, Labour and Rights
Mobile Europe: The Theory and Practice of Free Movement in the EU