books by subject
Professional Finance

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

Activity-Based Management: Arthur Andersen's Lessons from the ABM Battlefield

Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

Understanding Nonprofit Funding: Managing Revenues in Social Services and Community Development

Irrigation Economics in Poor Countries

Shifting Geo-Economic Power of the Gulf: Oil, Finance and Institutions

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

Killing the Host

Highgrove: Portrait of an Estate


CTH Introduction to Business Operations: Study Text

Financial Statements Workbook

F9 Financial Management - Exam Kit

P5 Advanced Performance Management - Complete Text

P2 Corporate Reporting - Exam Kit

F7 Financial Reporting - Complete Text: Paper F7

Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework

Buying and Renovating Houses for Profit

CIM 4 Stakeholder Marketing: Study Text

Marketing and the Bottom Line: Marketing and the Bottom Line

Marketing Finance

Business Planning and Control: Integrating Accounting, Strategy, and People

Introduction to Accounting

What Went Wrong at Enron: Everyone's Guide to the Largest Bankruptcy in U.S.History

The Summit: The Biggest Battle of the Second World War - fought behind closed doors

Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution

The Enlightened Entrepreneur: A Spiritual Approach to Creating and Marketing a Company

Modeling Derivatives in C++

Root of All Evil?: How To Make Spiritual Values Count