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Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology

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Techniques of Family Therapy

By Haley, Jay, Hoffman, Lynn

Violence Risk Assessment and Management

By Webster, Christopher D., Hucker, Stephen J.

Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer′s Disease: Detection and Diagnosis

By Burns, Jeffrey M., Morris, John C.

Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice: Improving the Quality of Judgments and Decisions, 3rd Edition

By Gambrill, Eileen

DSM-IV and Beyond (Wiley Series on Personality Processes)

By Millon, Theodore

Abnormal Psychology



By Davison, Gerald C., Neale, John M.

Handbook of Psychological Change: Psychotherapy Processes & Practices for the 21st Century

Healing the Whole Person: A Solution-focused Approach to Using Empowering Language, Emotions and Actions in Therapy

By McNeilly, Robert B.

WIE Abnormal Psychology, Eighth Edition, Wiley International Edition

By Davison, Gerald C., Neale, John M.

Emotional Disorders and Metacognition: Innovative Cognitive Therapy

By Wells, Adrian

Abnormal Psychology

By Davison, Gerald C., Neale, John M.

Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions

By Sarafino, Edward P.

Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach

By Millon, Theodore

Abnormal Psychology

By Davison, GC

Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Principles and Practice (Psychology)

By Ryle, Anthony, Kerr, Ian B.

Wounded Healers: Mental Health Workers' Experiences of Depression

By Rippere, Vicky, Williams, Ruth

Beyond Sexual Abuse: Therapy with Women Who Were Childhood Victims (Symposia of the Institute of Biology Series)

By D Jehu

Families Coping with Schizophrenia: A Practitioner's Guide to Family Groups

By Atkinson, Jacqueline M., Coia, Denise A.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychosis: Theory and Practice (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By David Fowler, Phillippa Garety, Elizabeth Kuipers, Fowler, David, Garety, Phillippa, Kuipers, Elizabeth

Brief Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (Wiley Series in Brief Therapy & Counselling)

By Windy Dryden

Depression and Physical Illness (Perspectives in Psychiatry)

By Robertson, Mary, Katona, Cornelius L. E.

Functional Analysis in Clinical Psychology (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By Sturmey, Peter

Cognitive Therapy for Delusions Voices and Paranoia (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By Chadwick, Paul

Handbook of Eating Disorders: Theory, Treatment and Research

By Szmukler, George, Dare, Chris, Treasure, Janet

Understanding Post Traumatic Stress: A Psychosocial Perspective on PTSD and Treatment

By Joseph, Stephen

Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Sexual Offenders: 6 (Wiley Series in Forensic Clinical Psychology)

By Marshall, William L.

Clinical Psychology (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By Amanda Caine

Cognitive Therapy For Biopolar Disorder: A Therapist's Guide to Concepts, Methods and Practice (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By Lam, Dominic H.

Attributions in Action: Practical Approach to Coding Qualitative Data

By Munton