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Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology

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INDIVIDUAL THERAPY (Psychotherapy Handbooks Series)


Psychotherapy And Its Discontents

By Dryden, .

Surviving Secrets (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)

By Moira Walker

The Presenting Past: An Introduction to Practical Psychodynamic Counselling


Group Therapy in Britain (Psychotherapy in Britain)


Hypnotherapy: A Handbook (Psychotherapy Handbooks)

By Heap, Michael

Race, Culture And Counselling (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)

By Lago, Colin

Survival In Groups: The Basics of Group Membership

By Douglas, .

The Presenting Past

By Jacobs, Michael

Transference And Projection: Mirrors to the Self (Core Concepts in Therapy S.)

By Grant, Jan

Health Psychology: A Textbook

By Jane Ogden

Rethinking Gender And Therapy (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)

By Izzard, Susannah

Conscious And Unconscious: The Latent, the Disowned, the Dissociated and the Unknown (Core Concepts in Therapy S.)

By Edwards, David

Counselling Skills In Social Work Practice (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)

By Seden, Janet

The Presenting Past: The Core Of Psychodynamic Counselling And Therapy: The core of psychodynamic counselling and therapy

By Jacobs, Michael

Hypnotherapy: A Handbook (Psychotherapy Handbooks)

By Heap, Micheal

COACHING SKILLS: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO BEING A COACH (UK Higher Education Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)

By Rogers, Jenny

Roots and Shoots

By Hurding, Roger F.

Abnormal Psychology

By Gross, Richard, McIlveen, Rob

Counselling Skills & Theory

By Hough, Margaret

Bodily Rhythms and States of Awareness (Aspects Of Psychology)

By McIlveen, Rob, Gross, Richard

Therapeutic Approaches To Abnormal Behaviour (Aspects Of Psychology)

By Gross, Richard, McIlveen, Rob

Personality and Psychological Disorders (Psychology)

By Claridge, Gordon

Psychology for the MRCPsych, 2Ed

By Munafo, Marcus

Overcoming Anxiety: A Five Areas Approach (Hodder Arnold Publication)

By Chris Williams

Exploring Masculinity, Sexuality, and Culture in Gestalt Therapy: An Autoethnography (Gestalt Therapy Book Series)

By Kincel, Adam

Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution

By Watzlawick, P

Facing Shame: Families In Recovery

By Fossum, Merle A., Mason, Marilyn J.

The Complex Secret of Brief Psychotherapy: A Panorama of Approaches (A Norton professional book)

By Gustafson, Jp

Clues: Investigating Solutions in Brief Therapy

By Steve De Shazer