books by subject

Security Communities and Their Neighbours: Regional Fortresses or Global Integrators?

Authoring a PhD: How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation (Palgrave Study Guides)

Introducing Psychological Research

President Kennedy Has Been Shot: A Moment-to-Moment Account of the Four Days That Changed America

The Match: The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever

The Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony That Shaped America

A Field Guide to Germs: Revised and Updated

French Complete Course Dictionary (Living Language Complete Course S.)
Max Science primary Teacher's Guide 5: Discovering through Enquiry

Max Maths Primary A Singapore Approach Grade 6 Teacher's Book

Max Maths Primary A Singapore Approach Grade 5 Teacher's Book

Max Maths Primary A Singapore Approach Grade 4 Teacher's Book

Conflict, Security and Justice: Practice and Challenges in Peacebuilding

The Impact and Future of Arts and Humanities Research

Planning Your Postgraduate Research (Palgrave Research Skills)

Rethinking Communication in Health and Social Care

Reconceptualising the Moral Economy of Criminal Justice: A New Perspective

Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention (Rethinking World Politics)

English Language: Description, Variation and Context

Foundations German 1 (Macmillan Foundation Languages)

Issues in 21st Century World Politics

Issues in 21st Century World Politics

A Gendered Lens for Genocide Prevention (Rethinking Political Violence)

English Syntax and Argumentation (Macmillan Modern Linguistics)

Doing Research: 8 (Pocket Study Skills)

Global Justice

Latin Stories (Second Edition): A GCSE Reader

Planning Your Dissertation (Pocket Study Skills)

Business Analytics: A Management Approach