books by subject
Bolivia (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Brazil (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Rwanda: Which Way Now? (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Cambodia (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Mozambique: Rising from the Ashes (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Ghana (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Ethiopia: Breaking New Ground (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Mali: A Prospect of Peace? (Oxfam Country Profiles)
Women and Land in Africa: Culture, Religion and Realizing Women's Rights
Black Heroes and the Spiritual Onyame: An Insight into the Cosmological Worlds of Peoples of African Descent
South Africa and Africa: Within or Apart
Ghana: The Political Economy of Recovery (Studies in International Politics)
Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong (African Arguments)
Kenya: The Quest For Prosperity, Second Edition (Westview Profiles/Nations of Contemporary Africa)
Kenya: The Quest For Prosperity, Second Edition (Westview Profiles/Nations of Contemporary Africa)
African Renaissance: The New Struggle
Africa since 1940: The Past of the Present (New Approaches to African History, Series Number 1)
Conflict and Security in Africa (ROAPE African Readers)
Elections and the Media in Post-conflict Africa: Votes and Voices for Peace?
Governance for Development in Africa: Solving Collective Action Problems
Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry (Handbook of Qualitative Research Paperback Edition , Vol 2)
Human Body (Eyewitness)
Pan-African History: Political Figures from Africa and the Diaspora since 1787
African State And Society In The 1990s: Cameroon's Political Crossroads
The Morality of China in Africa: The Middle Kingdom and the Dark Continent
IB Psychology Course Book: Oxford IB Diploma Programme
Psychology Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme (Oxford IB Study Guides)
Stochastic Processes: 14 (Problem Solvers, 14)
Working with Babies and Children: From Birth to Three