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Sustainability Principles and Practice

By Robertson, Margaret

Peru (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Crabtree, John

Bolivia (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Lopez Levy, Marcela

Brazil (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Rocha, Jan

Rwanda: Which Way Now? (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Waller, David

Cambodia (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Brown, Ian

Mozambique: Rising from the Ashes (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Waterhouse, Rachel

Ghana (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Naylor, Rachel

Ethiopia: Breaking New Ground (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Parker, Ben

Mali: A Prospect of Peace? (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Pye-Smith, Charlie, Drisdelle, Rheal

Women and Land in Africa: Culture, Religion and Realizing Women's Rights

By Wanyeki, L Muthoni

Black Heroes and the Spiritual Onyame: An Insight into the Cosmological Worlds of Peoples of African Descent

By Norman Barnett

South Africa and Africa: Within or Apart

By Adedeji, Adebayo

Ghana: The Political Economy of Recovery (Studies in International Politics)

By Rothchild, Donald S.

Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong (African Arguments)

By Jerven, Assistant Professor Morten

Kenya: The Quest For Prosperity, Second Edition (Westview Profiles/Nations of Contemporary Africa)

By Miller, Norman

Kenya: The Quest For Prosperity, Second Edition (Westview Profiles/Nations of Contemporary Africa)

By Miller, Norman

African Renaissance: The New Struggle

By Mbeki, Thabo, Malegapuru, William Makgoba

Africa since 1940: The Past of the Present (New Approaches to African History, Series Number 1)

By Cooper, Frederick

Conflict and Security in Africa (ROAPE African Readers)

By Rita Abrahamsen

Elections and the Media in Post-conflict Africa: Votes and Voices for Peace?

By Marie-Soleil Frere

Governance for Development in Africa: Solving Collective Action Problems

By David Booth, Diana Cammack

Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry (Handbook of Qualitative Research Paperback Edition , Vol 2)

By Denzin, Norman K., Lincoln, Yvonna S.

Human Body (Eyewitness)

By Walker, Richard

Pan-African History: Political Figures from Africa and the Diaspora since 1787

By Sherwood, Marika, Adi, Hakim

African State And Society In The 1990s: Cameroon's Political Crossroads

By Takougang, Joseph

The Morality of China in Africa: The Middle Kingdom and the Dark Continent

By Stephen Chan

IB Psychology Course Book: Oxford IB Diploma Programme

By Crane, John, Hannibal, Jette

Psychology Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme (Oxford IB Study Guides)

By Hannibal, Jette

Stochastic Processes: 14 (Problem Solvers, 14)

By Coleman, Rodney