books by subject
Social Issues

Animal Experiments Simple Truths

The Abortion Debate: v. 126 (Issues)

Rattling The Cage: Towards Legal Rights for Animals

Only Connect: Successful Practice in Educational Work with Disaffected Young Adults

Life on the Outside: The Prison Odyssey of Elaine Bartlett
More Than Activities: A Practical Handbook on Work with Young People

Do Animals Have Rights?: 3 (Issues for the Nineties S.)
The Homeless, The (Issues for the Nineties)

Step in to Study Counselling (Steps in Counselling Series)

Managing Absence: A Handbook for Managers in Public and Voluntary Organisations

The Complete Fundraising Handbook

Essential Public Health Medicine

From Freemasonry to Freedom

Who Sings the Nation-State?: Language, Politics, Belonging

Saved: How an English Village Fought for Its Future... and Won

The Secret Life of Puppies: A dog's-eye view of its first year of life

The Animals in That Country

Safe, Legal, and Unavailable? Abortion Politics in the United States: American Abortion Politics in the 21st Century

Confessions d'un caïd

Educational Handbook for Health Personnel: Sixth Edition Updated 1998 (WHO offset publications: 35)

Agriculture, Pesticides and the Environment: Policy Options

Benefit-Risk Balance For Marketed Drugs

Vegetarian Diets (vol. 214 Issues Series)

21st Century Citizen: Animal Rights

The Cruel Deception: Use of Animals in Medical Research

Social Issues in Hong Kong.

The Animal Estate: The English And Other Creatures in the Victorian Age

How to Love Animals: In a Human-Shaped World

The Making of a Social Disease: Tuberculosis in Nineteenth-Century France