books by subject
South East Asian Politics

Violence in Islamic Thought from the Qur'an to the Mongols (Legitimate and Illegitimate Violence in Islamic Thought)

Modern Afghanistan: The Impact of 40 Years of War

State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World

China's Tibet?: Autonomy or Assimilation

Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide

Communicating India's Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood

Domestic Violence Laws in the United States and India: A Systematic Comparison of Backgrounds and Implications

Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy: India, South Africa and the Doha Development Agenda

Contemporary India

Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View from India

The Roots of Participatory Democracy: Democratic Communists in South Africa and Kerala, India

Leftism in India 1917-1947

Nuclear Risk Reduction in South Asia

Viceroy at Bay: Lord Linlithgow in India, 1936-43

Sukarno: A Political Biography

Crafting State-Nations: India and Other Multinational Democracies

Burma Through the Wastelands

The Pathan Unarmed: Opposition & Memory in the North West Frontier (World Anthropology Series)

Lessons from a Dark Time and Other Essays

Benazir Bhutto

The Origins of the Vietnam War

Russia Under the Old Regime

Thirteen Moons

The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia

Muslim Zion: Pakistan as a Political Idea


India Britannica

After Mandela: The Battle for the Soul of South Africa

District Officer in India, 1930-47