books by subject
South East Asian Politics
North of South: An African Journey
District Officer in India, 1930-47
Talk of the Devil
The Fate of Africa's Democratic Experiments: Elites and Institutions
Indonesian Politics and Society: A Reader
Impact of TRIPS in India: An Access to Medicines Perspective
Pashto-English/English-Pashto Dictionary & Phrasebook
War and Peace in Modern India
Aid, Peacebuilding and the Resurgence of War: Buying Time in Sri Lanka
Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View from India
Women's NGOs in Pakistan
The Lady: Aung San Suu Kyi: Nobel Laureate and Burma's Prisoner
The Drunken King, or, The Origin of the State
Culture and Society in the Asia-Pacific
A History of Modern Burma
Thirteen Moons
Adjusting Privatization: Case Studies from Developing Countries
Just Law
Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender-aware Planning
The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories
Emergency Sex (And Other Desperate Measures): True Stories from a War Zone
Russia Under the Old Regime
The Origins of the Vietnam War
Benazir Bhutto
Lessons from a Dark Time and Other Essays
The Pathan Unarmed: Opposition & Memory in the North West Frontier (World Anthropology Series)
Burma Through the Wastelands
Crafting State-Nations: India and Other Multinational Democracies
Sukarno: A Political Biography