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Structure & Syntax

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Analyzing Prose: Second Edition

By Richard Lanham

Exercices de vocabulaire en contexte: Livre de l'eleve - niveau intermedia

Improve Your Punctuation and Grammar: Master the Essentials of the English Language and Write with Greater Confidence

By Marion Field

What is This Thing Called Language?

By David Nunan

Collins Primary Focus - Grammar and Punctuation: Pupil Book 4

By Fidge, Louis, Louis Fidge

Exercices communicatifs de la grammaire progressive: Niveau intermediaire A2/B1

By Maia Gregoire, Gracia Merlo

Diccionario practico de gramatica: Libro de ejercicios

By Oscar Cerrolaza, Enrique Sacristan

Diccionario practico de gramatica: Diccionario practico de gramatica

By Oscar Cerrolaza

Diccionario practico de gramatica: Libro de ejercicios - claves

By Oscar Cerrolaza, Enrique Sacristan

Victor Dudman's Grammar and Semantics

By J. Curthoys, V. Dudman

Mastering Arabic Grammar

By Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar

How to Write in Arabic

By El Mustapha Lahlali

A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language

By H. M. Nahmad, John A. Haywood

Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar

By G.L. Kittredge, J.H. Allen

Heinemann A Level French Grammar Practice

By Jacob, Schofield

The Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors

By Isaacs, Alan, Daintith, John, Martin, Elizabeth

The Warden of English

By Jenny McMorris

Wort Fur Wort: New Advanced German Vocabulary

By Stocker, Paul

Aktion Grammatik!: New Advanced German Grammar

By Klapper, John, McMahon, Trudi

Explaining English Grammar: A guide to explaining grammar for teachers of English as a second or foreign language. (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers)

By Yule, George

Generative Grammar

By Geoffrey Horrocks

Beginning Syntax

By Linda Thomas (Roehampton Institute, London)

French Grammar and Usage, 2Ed (Routledge Reference Grammars)

By Hawkins, Roger, Hawkins, Roger, Towell, Richard, Towell, Richard

Who Cares About English Usage?

By David Crystal

French Phrases For Dummies

By Dodi-Katrin Schmidt, Michelle M. Williams, Dominique Wenzel

Learning About Language: Teacher's Resource: Teacher's Book

By George Keith

The New Fowler's Modern English Usage

By Fowler, H.W., Fowler, H. W., Burchfield, Robert W., H.W. Fowler

Learning About Language

By George Keith

Nelson Grammar - Evaluation Pack: Nelson Grammar - Teacher's Book

By Wren, Wendy

French Verb Tables (Collins Gem) (Collins Gems)

By Harpercollins Publishers