books by subject
Structure & Syntax

Lingo: A Course on Words and How to Use Them (Greek and Latin Language)

Greek Prose Style (BCP Advanced Language) (BCP Advanced Language S.)

Greek Prose Usage: Metamorphoses XI

Classical Greek Prose: A Basic Vocabulary

Comparative Greek and Latin Syntax (BCP Advanced Language) (BCP Advanced Language S.)

Pocket Mini Reference: English Grammar

Dictionary of English Grammar (Claremont Pocket Reference Library)

Improve Your Written English: Master the Essentials of Grammar; Punctuation and Spelling and Write with Greater Confidence (How to)

The Language of Theatre (Book of Words S.)

Punctuation and Grammar (Getting to Grips S.)

Spelling (Getting to Grips S.)


Dictionary of English Grammar (Brockhampton Reference Series (English Language))
French Verbs (Brockhampton Reference Series (Bilingual))

German Verbs (Brockhampton Reference Series (Bilingual))

Italian Verbs (Brockhampton Reference Series (Bilingual))

Spanish Verbs (Brockhampton Reference Series (Bilingual))

The Economist Style Guide

Eats shoots and leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation

Accomodating Brocolli in the Cemetary: Or Why Can't Anybody Spell?

Eats Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation

Eats, Shoots & Leaves For Children: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference

The Economist Style Guide

Using Functional Grammar : An Explorer's Guide

Spotlight on Suffixes Book 1: Common Suffixes and Suffixing Rules: Common Suffixes and Suffixing Rules Bk. 1

Spotlight on Suffixes Book 2: Suffix Recognition and Use, Spelling Rules and Grammar and Vocabulary: Suffix Recognition and Use, Spelling Rules and Grammar and Vocabulary Bk. 2

With a Song in My Scheme of Work: No. 25 (Pathfinder S.)

Barashada Naxwaha af Soomaaliga (A Somali School Grammar)

Spelling Rules and Copymasters (Golden Key Spelling Rules!)