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Teacher Training

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Closing the Achievement Gap from an International Perspective: Transforming STEM for Effective Education

By Clark, Julia V.

Teachers' Perspectives on Finnish School Education: Creating Learning Environments

By Andere M, Eduardo

Learning with Understanding in the Chemistry Classroom

By Devetak, Iztok, Glažar, Saša Aleksij

Geoscience Education: Indoor and Outdoor

By Vasconcelos, Clara

Chemistry Education and Sustainability in the Global Age

By Chiu, Mei-Hung, Tuan, Hsiao-Lin, Wu, Hsin-Kai, Lin, Jing-Wen, Chou, Chin-Cheng

Narratives of Social Justice Educators: Standing Firm (SpringerBriefs in Education)

By Mthethwa-Sommers, Shirley

Science Literacy in Primary Schools and Pre-Schools: 1 (Classics in Science Education, 1)

By Eshach, Haim

Collaborative Learning in Mathematics: A Challenge to Our Beliefs and Practices

By Swan, Malcolm

Thinking in Physics: The pleasure of reasoning and understanding

By Viennot, Laurence

Science Teachers’ Use of Visual Representations: 8 (Models and Modeling in Science Education, 8)

By Eilam, Billie, Gilbert, John K.

Using Multimodal Representations to Support Learning in the Science Classroom

By Hand, Brian, McDermott, Mark, Prain, Vaughan

Participant Empowerment Through Photo-elicitation in Ethnographic Education Research: New Perspectives and Approaches

By Boucher Jr., Michael Lee

Science Education: A Global Perspective

By Akpan, Ben

Language Teacher Education (Hodder Arnold Publication)

By Roberts, Jon

Cognitive and Affective Aspects in Science Education Research: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2015 Conference: 3 (Contributions from Science Education Research, 3)

By Hahl, Kaisa, Juuti, Kalle, Lampiselkä, Jarkko, Uitto, Anna, Lavonen, Jari

Challenging the 'European Area of Lifelong Learning': A Critical Response: 19 (Lifelong Learning Book Series, 19)

By Zarifis, George K., Gravani, Maria N.

Giorgio Agamben: Education Without Ends (SpringerBriefs in Education)

By Jasinski, Igor

Designing Assessment for Quality Learning: 1 (The Enabling Power of Assessment, 1)

By Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Klenowski, Valentina, Colbert, Peta

Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills: Research and Applications (Educational Assessment in an Information Age)

By Care, Esther, Griffin, Patrick, Wilson, Mark

Assessment Reform in Education: Policy and Practice: 14 (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 14)

By Berry, Rita, Adamson, Bob

Inquiry-Based Learning - Undergraduate Research: The German Multidisciplinary Experience

By Mieg, Harald A.

Teacher Involvement in High-Stakes Language Testing

By Xerri, Daniel, Vella Briffa, Patricia

Teaching Race and Anti-Racism in Contemporary America: Adding Context to Colorblindness

By Haltinner, Kristin

Exploring the Mathematical Education of Teachers Using TEDS-M Data

By Tatto, Maria Teresa, Rodriguez, Michael C., Smith, Wendy M., Reckase, Mark D., Bankov, Kiril

Student Evaluation in Higher Education: Reconceptualising the Student Voice

By Darwin, Stephen

Teaching for Learning Gain in Higher Education: Developing Self-regulated Learners

By Montgomery, Diane

The Factors Effecting Student Achievement: Meta-Analysis of Empirical Studies

By Karadağ, Engin

Educational Psychology Practice: A New Theoretical Framework: 4 (Cultural Psychology of Education, 4)

By Szulevicz, Thomas, Tanggaard, Lene

Teacher Professional Development for Improving Quality of Teaching

By Creemers, Bert, Kyriakides, Leonidas, Antoniou, Panayiotis

Theatre as a Medium for Children and Young People: Images and Observations: 4 (Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, 4)

By Schonmann, Shifra