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Teaching Adult Education

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Teaching Business Education 14-19

By Jephcote, Martin, Abbott, Ian

3 available

Francophone Perspectives of Learning Through Work: Conceptions, Traditions and Practices: 12 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 12)

By Filliettaz, Laurent, Billett, Stephen

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd: Level 5, B2+ (Collins Agatha Christie ELT Readers)

By Christie, Agatha

How To Survive Your Viva: Defending A Thesis In An Oral Examination (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Study Skills)

By Murray, Rowena

Idioms: Idioms in English can be amusing, colourful and expressive but if you don’t know what they mean, it’s easy to get confused. (Collins Work on Your…)

By Anderson, Sandra, Pelteret, Cheryl

Achieving Quality Education for All: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond: 20 (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 20)

By Hughes, Phillip

Work and Education in America: The Art of Integration: 15 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 15)

By Barabasch, Antje, Rauner, Felix

The Adult University

By Bourgeois

Ethics and Education for Adults in a Late Modern Society

By Jarvis, Peter

Community-University Partnerships in Practice

By Hart, Angie, Maddison, Elizabeth, Wolff, David

Understanding Learning at Work

By Garrick, John, Boud, David

Working Knowledge: Work-Based Learning and Education Reform

By Bailey, Thomas R., Hughes, Katherine L.

Activity theory in practice: Promoting Learning Across Boundaries and Agencies

By Lanzer, Hariette, Daniels, Harry

Authentic Professional Learning: Making a Difference Through Learning at Work: 2 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 2)

By Webster-Wright, Ann

Supporting Workplace Learning: Towards Evidence-based Practice: 5 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 5)

By Poell, Rob F., van Woerkom, Marianne

Problem-Based Learning in Teacher Education

By Filipenko, Margot, Naslund, Jo-Anne

Transfer of Learning in Organizations

By Schneider, Kathe

The Idea of the University; Contemporary Perspectives (18) (Global Studies in Education)

By Barnett, Ronald, Peters, Michael A.

Promoting, Assessing, Recognizing and Certifying Lifelong Learning: International Perspectives and Practices: 20 (Lifelong Learning Book Series, 20)

By Halttunen, Timo, Koivisto, Mari, Billett, Stephen

Challenging the 'European Area of Lifelong Learning': A Critical Response: 19 (Lifelong Learning Book Series, 19)

By Zarifis, George K., Gravani, Maria N.

Gramsci, Freire and Adult Education: Possibilities for Transformative Action (Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Training)

By Peter Mayo

Equality, Participation and Inclusion 1: Diverse Perspectives

By Rix, Jonathan, Nind, Melanie, Sheehy, Kieron, Simmons, Katy

Equality, Participation and Inclusion 2: Diverse Contexts (David Fulton Books)

By Rix, Jonathan, Nind, Melanie, Sheehy, Kieron, Simmons, Katy

Emerging Perspectives of Workplace Learning

By Billett, Stephen, Harteis, Christian, Eteläpelto, Anneli

Using Learning Contracts (LSI): Practical Approaches to Individualizing and Structuring Learning (Jossey-Bass Higher Education Series)

By Knowles

The Idea of the University; A Reader, Volume 1 (17) (Global Studies in Education)

By Peters, Michael A., Barnett, Ronald

The Impact of Digitalization in the Workplace: An Educational View: 21 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 21)

By Harteis, Christian

Learning in Work: A Negotiation Model of Socio-personal Learning: 23 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 23)

By Smith, Raymond

Professional Practice and Learning: Times, Spaces, Bodies, Things: 15 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 15)

By Hopwood, Nick

Mimetic Learning at Work: Learning in the Circumstances of Practice (SpringerBriefs in Education)

By Billett, Stephen