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Teaching Adult Education

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A History of Modern British Adult Education

By Fieldhouse, Roger

Living Adult Education (Innovations in Education)

By Kirkwood, Gerri, Colin

Adult Learners, Education and Training: A Reader: 2 (Learning Through Life)

By Edwards, Richard, Sieminski, Sandy, Zeldin, David

The Future of Vocational Education and Training in a Changing World

By Pilz, Matthias

Overcoming Exclusion through Adult Learning

By Walshe, John, Nash, Ian

Study Skills for Dyslexic Students (SAGE Study Skills Series)

By Hargreaves, Sandra

Passing PTLLS Assessments (Further Education and Skills)

By Gravells, Ann

To be People of Hope

By Purnell, A.Patrick

Come Follow Me: Resource for the Period of Inquiry in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

By Sinwell, Joseph

Study!: A Guide to Effective Learning, Revision and Examination Techniques

By Barrass, Robert

An Introduction to Numeracy Teaching

By Brittan, Jessica

Adult Learning, Citizenship and Community Voices: Exploring and Learning from Community-based Practice

By Coare, Pam, Johnson, Rennie

Inviting Learning: An Exhibition of Risk and Enrichment in Adult Education Practice

By Willis, Peter


By Besse, Jean-Marc, Boissiere, Anne

Teaching Adult Esol: Principles And Practice (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

By Paton;, .

Reading: B1+

By Osborn, Anna

Let's Communicate: Practical Guide to Adult Basic Education (United Kingdom Reading Association S.)

By Mudd, Norma

The Senior's Guide to PC Basics (Survive & Thrive)

By Neville, Kristine

Adult Learning: a Reader

By Sutherland Peter (Lecturer in Education University of Stirling)

Adult and Continuing Education: Theory and Practice

By Jarvis, Peter

Reform of Post-16 Education and: Training in England and Wales

By Finegold, D., Richardson, W., Woolhouses, J.

Open Learning for Adults (Longman Open Learning Series)

By Thorpe, Michael, Grugeon, David

Modern Practice Adult Edctn*** Knowles

By Knowles PH.D. PH.D., Malcolm S

Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training

By Tight, Malcolm

Using Experience For Learning (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Higher Education OUP)

By Boud, David

Amazing Medical People: A2-B1 (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers)

By Cornish, F. H., Mackenzie, Fiona

Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education (Hardcover))

By Brookfield, Stephen D.

Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Approach Using Pedagogic Patterns

By Ryan, Mary Elizabeth

Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning: Why Recognition Matters: 21 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 21)

By Singh, Madhu

Collaborative Learning in Mathematics: A Challenge to Our Beliefs and Practices

By Swan, Malcolm