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Television History & Criticism

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Richard Hoggart and Cultural Studies

By S. Owen

Television and Terror: Conflicting Times and the Crisis of News Discourse

By A. Hoskins, B. O'Loughlin

A Feminine Cinematics: Luce Irigaray, Women and Film

By Caroline Bainbridge

National Identity in Global Cinema: How Movies Explain the World

By C. Celli

The Films of Ingmar Bergman: Illusions of Light and Darkness

By L. Hubner

Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media

By V. Bakir, D. Barlow

Human Rights Film Festivals: Activism in Context

By Sonia M. Tascon

Black Magic Woman and Narrative Film: Race, Sex and Afro-Religiosity

By Montre Aza Missouri

The Search for Meaning in Film and Television: Disenchantment at the Turn of the Millennium

By M. Maloney

Russia and its Other(s) on Film: Screening Intercultural Dialogue

By S. Hutchings

British Gothic Cinema

By B. Forshaw

Post-War Modernist Cinema and Philosophy: Confronting Negativity and Time

By H. Ford

Cannibalism in Literature and Film

By J. Brown

Star Actors in the Hollywood Renaissance: Representing Rough Rebels

By D. Smith-Rowsey

Men and Masculinities in Irish Cinema

By D. Ging

Broadcasting in the 21st Century

By Richard Rudin (Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool)

Work in Cinema: Labor and the Human Condition

By E. Kerr

Behind the Screen: Inside European Production Cultures

By P. Szczepanik, P. Vonderau

Theodor Adorno and Film Theory: The Fingerprint of Spirit

By B. Wall

Film Stardom, Myth and Classicism: The Rise of Hollywood's Gods

By M. Williams

Silent Film Comedy and American Culture

By Alan Bilton

Maternal Horror Film: Melodrama and Motherhood

By S. Arnold

Queer Love in Film and Television: Critical Essays

By Pamela Demory, Christopher Pullen

Wildlife Films

By Derek Bouse