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Under- & Postgraduate History by Access to History

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The Unification of Italy, 1815 - 70 (Access to History)

By Andrina Stiles, Robert Pearce, Stiles, Andrina, Pearce, Robert

Stalins Russia 1924-53

By michael-lynch

The Unification of Germany, 1815-90 (Access to A-Level History S.)

By Stiles, Andrina, Andrina Stiles

The Unification of Italy, 1815-70 (Access to A-Level History S.)

By Stiles, Andrina, Andrina Stiles

Managing River Environments

By Geraldene Wharton (Queen Mary University of London)

France: Renaissance, Religion and Recovery, 1483-1610 (Access to A-Level History S.)

By Rady, Martyn

Spain: Rise and Decline, 1474-1643 (Access to A-Level History S.)

By Kilsby, Jill

The Netherlands: Revolt and Independence, 1550-1660 (Access to A-Level History S.)

By Rady, Martyn, Martyn Rady

Access to History: The American Dream: Reality and Illusion, 1945-1980 for AQA, Second Edition

By Vivienne Sanders

Second World War Era

By Walter Robson

Access To History In Depth: Chartism

By Browne, Harry

War and Peace: International Relations, 1919-39

By David Williamson

Access To History: Stalin & Khrushchev - the USSR, 1924-64

By Lynch, Michael

Access To History: Labour & Reform - Working-Class Movements, 1815-1914

By Behagg, Clive

Access To History: Great Britain and the Irish Question 1798-1921 Second Edition

By Byrne, Mike, Adelman, Paul, Pearce, Robert

Access To History Context: An Introduction to Modern European History, 1890-1990

By Farmer, Alan

The Unification of Italy, 1815-70

By Andrina Stiles

Access to History: From Second Reich to Third Reich Germany 1918-45 for Edexcel

By Layton, Geoff

The Civil Wars, 1640-9 (Access to History)

By Anderson, Angela

Access To History France In Revolution 2nd ED

By Rees, Dylan, Townson, Duncan

Access To History: Elizabeth 1 - Religion and Foreign Affairs 2nd Edition

By Warren, John

Access to History: The Unification of Germany, 1815-90, 2nd edn

By Farmer, Alan, Stiles, Andrina

Hitler, Appeasement and the Road To War 1933-41 (Access to History - In Depth)

By Graham Darby, Darby, Graham

Access To History In Depth: Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

By Farmer, Alan

Access To History: Germany - the Third Reich, 1933-45

By Layton, Geoff

Access To History: From Bismark To Hitler - Germany, 1890-1933

By Layton, Geoff

Access To History: Henry VIII and the Government of England, 2nd Edition

By Keith Randell

Access to History: Edward VI and Mary: A Mid-Tudor Crisis? 1540-58: Third Edition

By Heard, Nigel, Turvey, Roger

Access to History Themes: The Sixteenth-Century Reformation

By Woodward, Geoffrey

Access to History: The Unification of Germany 1815-1919 3rd Edition

By Farmer, Alan, Alan Farmer