books by author

ABC of Dementia (ABC Series)

Enthusiasms: An Irresistible Celebration of The Joys of Life (Coronet Books)

Sharpe’s Triumph: The Battle of Assaye, September 1803 (The Sharpe Series, Book 2)

Sharpe’s Tiger: The Siege of Seringapatam, 1799 (The Sharpe Series, Book 1)

Sharpe’S Tiger: Richard Sharpe And The Siege Of Seringapatam, 1799

Freedom from Necessity

Sharpe's Waterloo

The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur (Warlord Chronicles, 4)

Battle Flag (The Starbuck Chronicles, Book 3)

Physique-chimie 1re S 2011 GRF

Pet Owner's Guide to the Golden Retriever (Best friends guide)

The Napoleon of Notting Hill (World's Classics)

The Pendulum Years: Britain in the Sixties

Gradus Les Procedes Litteraires (Dictionnaire)

Themes Et Textes Student's Book


James Joyce: An International Perspective: 10 (Irish Literary Studies)

Creative Use of Texts: No. 21 (Pathfinder S.)

Public Policy and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of Ian Little

Digital Signal Processing: Concepts and Applications

The Pathology of Democracy: A Letter to Bernard Accoyer and to Enlightened Opinion - JLS Supplement (Ex-tensions) (Ex-Tensions Series for Journal of Lacanian Studies)

Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of Impressionism (World of Art)

Vincent By Himself (By Himself Series)

Sharpe's Triumph (The Sharpe Series): The Battle of Assaye, September 1803 (The Sharpe Series, Book 2)

The Muslim Discovery Of Europe

GCSE Citizenship Studies: Student Book

The Stories


A Visual Introduction to Sharks (Animal Watch S.)