books by author

Sacraments in a Secular Age

Guide to Inshore Marine Life

Barbarism and Civilization: A History of Europe in our Time

Cultures in Conflict: Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Age of Discovery

Anatomical Basis of Dentistry

Johnnie's Blitz

Digital Signal Processing: Concepts and Applications

Elementary Linear Programming with Applications

My Granny Went to Market : A Round-the-World Counting Rhyme

Manager and Team Development: Ideas and Principles Underlying Coverdale Training

Saeth: Lleidr Cariad

Margaret Thatcher (World Leaders Past & Present S.)

A Visual Introduction to Bears (Animal watch)

Sharpe's Fortress: Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Gawilghur, December 1803

Sharpe's Prey: The Expedition to Denmark, 1807: 5

Economists for Beginners (A Writers & Readers documentary comic book)

Stage 3 (Longman Originals)

World of the Reptiles (Ages of the Earth S.)

William Morris By Himself: Designs and Writings (By Himself Series)

Histoire générale du Xxe siècle. Jusqu'en 1949, tome 1 : Déclins européens

Rien ne va plus

Le Secret de la chambre de Rodinsky

Histoire G'N'rale Du Xxe Si'cle T2 . Jusqu'en 1949, La Naissance Du Monde Contemporain T2 (Points histoire)

Les Anneaux de Saturne

Five Plays of the English Renaissance (Mentor Books)

Moral Luck: Philosophical Papers 1973-1980 (Cambridge Paperback Library)

Brownie Guides

Bourgeois: Catholicism Versus Capitalism in Eighteenth Century France

Working with Words: Year 6