books by author

Stalin's Russia, 1924-41

Flowers in Art

Lorenzaccio, on ne badine pas avec l'amour et autres pièces: LES CAPRICES DE MARIANNE, LE CHANDELIER, IL NE FAUT JURER DE RIEN

Academic Encounters: Human Behavior Student's Book: Reading, Study Skills, and Writing

Storm child

Academic Encounters: The Natural World Student's Book: Reading, Study Skills, and Writing (Academic Encounters, Level 1)

Mean Street (City Limits S.)

Framed: 3 (City Limits S.)


Volleyball Rules: A Player's Guide

Sharpe’s Havoc

Stonehenge: A Novel of 2000 BC (Windsor Selection S.)

Britain's National Parks

Sword Song

Political Education and Political Literacy

The History of Ships

The Oregon Trail (Oxford World's Classics)

Snow, Ice and Cold (Repairing the Damage S.)

Conditions for Second Language Learning: Introduction to a General Theory (Language Education)

Predictions: Middle East: No. 12 (Predictions S.)

Margaret Thatcher (World Leaders Past & Present S.)

Johnnie's Blitz

Digital Signal Processing: Concepts and Applications

Elementary Linear Programming with Applications

My Granny Went to Market : A Round-the-World Counting Rhyme

Manager and Team Development: Ideas and Principles Underlying Coverdale Training

Saeth: Lleidr Cariad

Stage 3 (Longman Originals)

Economists for Beginners (A Writers & Readers documentary comic book)