books by author

The Anatomy School

What is Literature?

How Scary!

Terry On the Fence (Puffin Books)

The Burning Land: Book 5 (The Last Kingdom Series)

Kill the Messenger

Stonehenge: A Novel of 2000BC

Sharpe’s Fortress: The Siege of Gawilghur, December 1803 (The Sharpe Series, Book 3)

Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay: Songs For everyone

Histoire De La Guerre D'Algerie (Points. Histoire): 1954-1962

Century: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, regression, Suffering and Hope 1899-1999

42 km 195

The Burning Land: Book 5 (The Last Kingdom Series)

Nephrology and Urology for the Paediatrician

Techniques in Animal Cytogenetics (Principles and Practice)

Vanishing Diaspora: The Jews in Europe Since 1945

Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy

T.S.Eliot: Four Quartets: 1 (Casebooks Series)

Man and Superman

The Hedgehog (Eye View Library S.)

Well-Loved Tales from Shakespeare

High Pavement Blues (New Windmills KS3)

Clinical Anatomy: Self-Assessment Colour Review

Lorenzaccio, on ne badine pas avec l'amour et autres pièces: LES CAPRICES DE MARIANNE, LE CHANDELIER, IL NE FAUT JURER DE RIEN

Food and Beverage Management: A selection of readings (Management Reader S.)

Stalin's Russia, 1924-41

Flowers in Art

Storm child

Academic Encounters: The Natural World Student's Book: Reading, Study Skills, and Writing (Academic Encounters, Level 1)