books by author

Art and Science of Motorcycle Road Racing

Lent Book 2004 (Jesus: Opening Our Hearts)

Companion to the Old Testament: Introduction, Interpretation, Application

Lent Book (Hodder Christian books)

Case for an Empty Tomb

Jesus: Way of Peace

Metric Feet and Other Gang Members: 25 Years of the Poetry World

What Next, Doctor?

Today with Jeremiah: v. 1: Studies in the Prophecies of Jeremiah

Prophecy Past and Present

Thank You, Padre: Memories of World War II

Reforming Infant Baptism: Its Future in the Church of England

Back-of-the-Envelope Physics (Johns Hopkins Paperback)

From Archimedes to Hawking: Laws of Science and the Great Minds Behind Them

The Ethics of Belief and Other Essays (Great Books in Philosophy)


Towards the Dawn

One Fold, One Shepherd: Challenge to the Post-Reformation Church

Capability Brown: An Illustrated Life of Lancelot Brown 1716-1783: 33 (Lifelines Series)

Stop That! an Anti-Bullying Rap

IMechE Engineers' Databook

Basic Oil Brushwork (Leisure Arts)

Oxford Junior Workbooks: Book 6

The Interpretation of Cultures

Rights as Weapons: Instruments of Conflict, Tools of Power

Settlements (Brain Waves S.)

Wheelchair Surgeon: Story of Mary Verghese (Faith in Action)

Oxford Junior Workbooks: Book 8: Bk. 8

On Holiday Again, Doctor? (Ulverscroft Large Print)