books by author

St. Albion Parish News: Bk. 3
The Village Society and Labour Use

Women Viewing Violence

Planning for Basic Needs in Kenya: Performance, Policies and Prospects

Christianity and Economics in the Post-Cold War Era: The Oxford Declaration and Beyond
Access to Genetic Resources: Strategies for Sharing Benefits

Nutrition for Developing Countries: With Special Reference to the Maize, Cassava and Millet Areas of Africa

Strategic Human Resource Management

Ecological Principles for Economic Development

The Economics of Environmental Policy

Building Civil Society: Current Initiatives in Voluntary Action

Range Ecology at Disequilibrium: New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas

Sustainable Agricultural Development: The Role of International Cooperation - Proceedings of the Twenty First International Conference of Agricultural Economists

Modern Welfare States: A Comparative View of Trends and Prospects

Working with Groups of Teachers

Usborne Book of the Ancient World

The Drama of Atheist Humanism

The Collector's Encyclopaedia of Dolls: v. 1

Paris: Capital of the Arts - 1900-1968

Drought Tolerance in Winter Cereals

Literary Guide to Canterbury
World Directory of Pesticide Control Organisations

Physical Aspects of Soil, Water and Salts in Ecosystems
Dryland Agriculture: Strategies for Sustainability
Dictionary of Biotechnology: English-German


Remaking the Welfare State: Swedish Urban Planning and Policy-making in the 1990s

Quarantine Pests for Europe

Insecticides of Plant Origin