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St. Albion Parish News: Bk. 3

By Ian Hislop, etc.

The Village Society and Labour Use

By Biplab Dasgupta, etc.

Women Viewing Violence

By Philip Schlesinger, etc., Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash, Kay Weaver

Planning for Basic Needs in Kenya: Performance, Policies and Prospects

By Dharam P. Ghai, etc.

Christianity and Economics in the Post-Cold War Era: The Oxford Declaration and Beyond

By Herbert Schlossberg, etc.

Access to Genetic Resources: Strategies for Sharing Benefits

By John Mugabe, etc.

Nutrition for Developing Countries: With Special Reference to the Maize, Cassava and Millet Areas of Africa

By Maurice H. King, etc.

Strategic Human Resource Management

By Christopher Mabey, etc., Christopher Salaman

Ecological Principles for Economic Development

By Raymond F. Dasmann, etc.

The Economics of Environmental Policy

By A. Myrick Freeman, etc.

Building Civil Society: Current Initiatives in Voluntary Action

By Barry Knight, etc.

Range Ecology at Disequilibrium: New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas

By Roy Behnke, etc.

Sustainable Agricultural Development: The Role of International Cooperation - Proceedings of the Twenty First International Conference of Agricultural Economists

By G.H. Peters, etc.

Modern Welfare States: A Comparative View of Trends and Prospects

By Robert R. Friedmann, etc.

Working with Groups of Teachers

By Hilary Shuard, etc.

Usborne Book of the Ancient World

By Anne Millard, etc.

The Drama of Atheist Humanism

By Henri de Lubac, Edith M. Riley, etc.

The Collector's Encyclopaedia of Dolls: v. 1

By Dorothy S. Coleman, etc., Elizabeth A. Coleman, Evelyn J. Coleman

Paris: Capital of the Arts - 1900-1968

By Eric de Chassey, etc.

Drought Tolerance in Winter Cereals

By J. P. Srivastava, etc.

Literary Guide to Canterbury

By Brown, Peter, etc.

World Directory of Pesticide Control Organisations

By George Ekstrom, etc.

Physical Aspects of Soil, Water and Salts in Ecosystems

By A. Hadas, etc.

Dryland Agriculture: Strategies for Sustainability

By R. Paul Singh, etc.

Dictionary of Biotechnology: English-German

By Wolgang Babel, etc., Monika Hagemann, Wolfgang Hohne


By Robert L. Dorit, etc., Warren F. Walker Jr (Emeritus, Oberlin College, USA), Robert D. Gettysburg College Barnes

Remaking the Welfare State: Swedish Urban Planning and Policy-making in the 1990s

By A. Khakee, etc., I. Elander, S. Sunesson (all of the Department of Political Science, University of Umea, Sweden)

Quarantine Pests for Europe

By I.A. Smith, etc., D.G. McNamara (both of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO)), P.R. Scott, K.M. Harris (both of CAB International)

Insecticides of Plant Origin

By John T. Arnason, etc., R.J.R. Philogene, P. Morand

The Opera: A History

By Christopher Headington, etc., Roy Westbrook, Terry Barfoot