books by author

Stages of Faith and Religious Development: Implications for Church, Education and Society

This is Boardsailing

Thailand: Complete Guide to the Exotic Land - Bangkok, the Temples, Beaches and Resorts

Thailand: Complete Guide to the Exotic Land - Bangkok, the Temples, Beaches and Resorts

Medical Care: Is it a Consumer Good?

Images of Kent Cricket: The County Club in the 20th Century

Intuition or Evidence?: Teachers and National Assessment of Seven Year Olds

The Italian Cooking Encyclopedia: The Definitive Professional Guide to Italian Ingredients and Cooking Techniques

A Colour Atlas of Endocrinology

The Post-colonial Studies Reader

A Passion for Angling

Kernel Lessons: Intermediate Tests: Tchrs'

Kernel Lessons: Intermediate Recorded Drills: Tapescripts
Canada: 1981

Viz Annual: The Bag of Slugs: No.17: Bag of Slugs

Encyclopaedia of Arts and Crafts: International Arts Movement, 1850-1920

Anaesthetic Physiology and Pharmacology

The Kitchen

Probe Microphone Measurements: Hearing Aid Selection and Assessment

Ethics, Politics and Human Nature

Feminism and Political Theory

Opportunities for Increasing Crop Yields

Mass Spectral and GC Data of Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides, Pollutants and Their Metabolites

Cytogenetics: Chromosome in Division, Inheritance and Evolution
Differential Gene Expression and Plant Development

Process and Control in Plant Senescence
Guide to Functional Food Ingredients

Plant Science: An Introduction to World Crops

Growing Broadleaves: Silvicultural Guidelines for Ash, Sycamore, Wild Cherry, Beech and Oak in Ireland