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Economic Policy: A European Forum: No. 21: October 1995

By Georges de Menil, etc., Richard Portes (University of Nottingham), Hans-Werner Sinn

Introductory Microbiology: Introduction to the Prokaryotes

By Julia Levy, etc.

Century Computer Programming Course: Complete Sinclair BASIC Manual for Z.X.81 and Spectrum Users


Psychosomatic Families: Anorexia Nervosa in Context

By Salvador Minuchin, etc., Bernice L. Rosman, Lester Baker

Review of Tests and Assessments in Early Education (3-5 Years)

By Margaret Bate, etc.

Mathematics for Schools: Parents' Booklet

By Harold Fletcher, etc.

Mathematics: Stage 4

By A.E. Howard, etc.

Mathematics: Stage 5

By A.E. Howard, etc.

On-line Searching: An Introduction

By Malcolm Henry, etc.

Dictionary of New Information Technology

By Meadows, A. J., etc.

Young Children at School in the Inner City

By Barbara Tizard, etc.

Understanding Economics

By Paul Bennett, etc., David Burningham

Changing English: Essays for Harold Rosen

By Margaret Meek, etc.

Fifteen Thousand Hours: Secondary Schools and Their Effects on Children

By Sir Michael Rutter, etc.

Crock: Are Those Your Good Pants?

By Brant Parker, etc.

IELTS Practice Now: Practice in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking for the IELTS Test

By Carol Gibson, etc., Midon Nakamura, Peter Forward

Advanced Level Mathematics Course

By Tony Dacre, etc.

Workshops in Cognitive Processes

By A. Bennett, etc., S. Hausfeld, R.A. Reeve, J Smith

Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice

By Yvonne M.M. Bishop, etc.

Statistics for Experimenters: An Introduction to Design, Data Analysis and Model Building

By George E. P. Box, etc., William G. Hunter, J. Stuart Hunter

Sun Tzu War and Management

By Chow-Hou Wee, etc., Lee Khai Sheang, Bambang Walujo Hidajat

High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options

By David K. James, etc., P J Steer, C.P. Weiner

Geologists' Association Guides: No. 60: The Isle of Wight

By A.N. Insole, Allan M. Insole, etc., J.T. Greensmith

Authentic Transformation: New Vision of Christ and Culture

By John Howard Yoder, etc.

You and Your Body

By Susan Meredith, etc.


By Henry L. Roediger, etc.

Introduction to Anaesthesia: Principles of Safe Practice

By Robert D. Dripps, etc.

Symbolic Interactionism: Genesis, Varieties and Criticisms

By Bernard N. Meltzer, etc.

Jamieson, Fausset and Brown's Commentary on the Whole Bible

By Robert Jamieson, etc.

1000 Questions and 1000 Answers

By Milis Kerry, etc.