books by author

The Roald Dahl Treasury

The BFG (My Roald Dahl)

Boy: Tales of Childhood

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar And Six More

The Complete Adventures of Charlie And Mr Willy Wonka: Charlie And the Chocolate Factory; Charlie And the Great Glass Elevator

The Enormous Crocodile (Colour Edition)

Boy and Going Solo: Roald Dahl

Even More Revolting Recipes

Rhyme Stew

Going Solo



Madness: tales of fear and unreason

The BFG (Puffin Modern Classics)

George's Marvellous Medicine

Cameras (Look Inside)

L'Enorme Crocodile (INACTIF- FOLIO BENJAMIN (2))

Charlie et la chocolaterie (Collection Folio Junior)

Matilda (Colour Edition)

James and the Giant Peach: Plays for Children

Esio Trot (Dahl Fiction)

El Superzorro

The Complete Short Stories: Volume Two

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Roald Dahl

Willy Wonka's Whipplescrumptious Annual 2011

George's Marvellous Medicine (Puffin Modern Classics)

Out Of This World

Fantastic Mr Fox Storybook & CD (Fantastic Mr Fox film tie-in)