books by author

Piece of My Heart

The Sonnets (The illustrated Shakespeare)

The Culex Experiment ("Tomorrow People")

Cool School Stories: "Worst Kids in the World", "Worst Kids in the World Best School Year Ever", "Wasim in the Deep End", "Follow That Bus!"

The Hedgehog (Eye View Library S.)

Bad Kids: The Worst Behaved Children in History

Inside Irish Aid: The Impulse to Help

Country Studies: Brazil (Cased)

Geography of Transport (Aspect Geographies S.)

Wales: Castles and Historic Places (Regional & city guides)

Goodnight Tractor

Nearest the White Man Gets: Aboriginal Narratives and Poems of New South Wales

A Necessary End (The Inspector Banks series)

Past Reason Hated (The Inspector Banks series)

Cracking the Sat (Princeton Review)

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Knight's Tale": w. parallel text (Pan study aids)

Theseus: The King Who Killed the Minotaur (Knight Books)

Escape from Kathmandu

Contemporary Climatology

Cold is the Grave (The Inspector Banks series)
Dream Lover

Football (Learnabout S.)

Developing Art Experience 4-13

Introducing Rousseau: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)

Rupert Annual Daily Telegraph 1994: No. 58 (The Rupert Annual)

A Ladybird book about Horses

Caedmon's Song

I'll Show Them Who's Boss! The Six Secrets of Successful Management

Wrestling with Romans