books by author

Contemporary Climatology

Escape from Kathmandu

Theseus: The King Who Killed the Minotaur (Knight Books)

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Knight's Tale": w. parallel text (Pan study aids)

Cracking the Sat (Princeton Review)

Past Reason Hated (The Inspector Banks series)

A Necessary End (The Inspector Banks series)

Nearest the White Man Gets: Aboriginal Narratives and Poems of New South Wales

Goodnight Tractor

Wales: Castles and Historic Places (Regional & city guides)

Geography of Transport (Aspect Geographies S.)

Country Studies: Brazil (Cased)

Inside Irish Aid: The Impulse to Help

Bad Kids: The Worst Behaved Children in History

The Hedgehog (Eye View Library S.)

Cool School Stories: "Worst Kids in the World", "Worst Kids in the World Best School Year Ever", "Wasim in the Deep End", "Follow That Bus!"

The Culex Experiment ("Tomorrow People")

The Sonnets (The illustrated Shakespeare)

Piece of My Heart


Physical Geography (Handbook Series)

Making a Transistor Radio

Encyclopaedia of Pet Rabbits

The Shepherd's Calendar (Oxford Paperbacks)

Son of Bristle

Vintage Timecharts Loth

International Arts & Crafts (The World's Greatest Art)

Full Employment in Britain in the 1990's: Lessons from Other Industrial Nations

Angels of Albion: Women of the Indian Mutiny