Cadogan, Alan, Hanks, John, Alan Cadogan, John Hanks
Microbiology and Biotechnology (Biology Advanced Studies S.)
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- Books2Africa Collection
- Subjects
- Children's Books on Science
- Nature & How It Works
- Family & Lifestyle Infectious & Contagious Diseases
- Family & Lifestyle Pathology
- Biological Science
- Biotechnology
- Biological Sciences Teaching Aids
- Microbiology
- Bioengineering
- Higher Education of Engineering
- Engineering Teaching Aids
- Infectious & Contagious Diseases
- Medical Teaching Aids
- Pathology
- Biology
- Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
- Disease Pathologies
- Pathology Textbooks
- Secondary School Textbooks
- Children's Books on Computers & Technology
- Books Global Store
- Technology Books for Young Adults
- Author(s)
- Published
- Publisher
- Nelson Thornes Ltd
- ISBN-10
- 0174482272
- ISBN-13
- 9780174482277
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