books by publisher
Academic Press Inc

Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Volume 1

The Handbook of Infrared and Raman Characteristic Frequencies of Organic Molecules

Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis (2003): Volume 2003

Modern World System: v. 1: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-economy in the Sixteenth Century

Analytical Methods For Geochemical Exploration

Beer in Health and Disease Prevention

Spectrum in Chemistry

Spectrum in Chemistry

Disappearing Cryptography: Being and Nothingness on the Net

The Bilingual Brain: Neuropsychological and Neurolinguistic Aspects of Bilingualism

Bilingualism: Psychological, Social and Educational Implications

Keeping Mozart in Mind
Southern Kikuyu Before 1903: v. 3

Southern Kikuyu Before 1903: v. 2
Southern Kikuyu Before 1903: v. 1

Medical Virology

Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease: v. 2: Essential and Toxic Elements

Antibodies, Antigens, and Molecular Mimicry: Volume 178

Flooding and Plant Growth

Virus-Insect-Plant Interactions

Plant Diseases and Vectors: Ecology and Epidemiology

Methods in Microbiology: v. 5B

Analysis of Nutrients in Food

Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease: v. 1: Zinc and Copper

Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan

Theory of Hierarchical Multilevel Systems

City Life Cycles and American Urban Policy

The Neuropsychology of Individual Differences

Methods for the Oxidation of Organic Compounds: v. 2: Alcohols, Alcohol Derivatives, Alkyl Halides, Nitralkanes, Alkyl Azides, Carbonyl Compounds, Hydroxarenes and Aminoarenes