books by publisher

Cengage Learning EMEA

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Operations Management: A Supply Chain Approach

By Waller, Derek

Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship (Citizenship & the Law S.)

By Juss, Professor Satvinder S., Sedley, Stephen

Business Economics

By Moschandreas, Maria

Property Portfolio Management: An Introduction

By Sayce, Sarah L., Dubben, Nigel

Introduction to Financial Accounting

By Nobes, Chris W.

Economic Crisis and Reform in the Balkans: Albania, Bulgaria, Roumania and Yugoslavia Facing the 1990's

By Sjoberg, Örjan, Wyzan, Michael L., Aslund, Anders

Building Workplace Equality: Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion

By Cornelius, Nelarine

The Marketing Planning Workbook: Effective Marketing for Marketing Managers (Marketing Workbooks)

By Dibb, Sally, etc., Simkin, L.

Environmental Strategy and Sustainable Development: The Corporate Challenge for the 21st Century

By Welford, Richard

A. B. C. of Management

By Lawrence, P.A., Blake, John

International Financial Management

By Madura, Jeff, Fox, R.

Evolutionary Economics and Chaos Theory: New Developments in Technology Studies

By Leydesdorff, Loet, Van den Besselaar, Peter

Sales Promotion

By Yeshin, Tony

Selling and Sales Management

By Blythe, Jim

Managerial Statistics

By Keller, Gerald, Gaciu, Nicoleta

Financial Accounting: An Introduction

By Berry, Aidan

Accounting and Finance: A Firm Foundation

By Pizzey, Alan

Business Accounting & Finance

By Gowthorpe, Catherine

The Informed Student Guide To Human Resource Management

By Wilkinson, Adrian, Redman, Tom

Strategy Process, Content, Context

By Wit, Bob De, Meyer, Ron

Business Accounting and Finance

By Gowthorpe, Catherine

Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation

By Hawawini, Gabriel, Viallet, Claude

International Finance (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance)

By Clark, Ephraim, Levasseur, Michel, Rousseau, Patrick

Problem Solving in Business and Management: Hard, Soft and Creative

By Hicks, Michael J.

Financial Accounting

By Berry, Aidan

Techniques in Computational Learning (Chapman & Hall Computing)

By Thornton, Christopher James

Income Approach to Property Valuation

By Baum, et al

Property Portfolio Management: An Introduction

By Sayce, Sarah L., Dubben, Nigel

Tourism: A Modern Synthesis (with CourseMate and eBook Access Card)

By Page, Stephen J., Connell, JoAnne

Object-Oriented Programming with C++

By Parsons, David