books by publisher
Franklin Watts

Olympic Sports: Athletics

Polar Regions In Danger: 8 (Protecting Habitats)


The Cold War: 7 (History Topics)

Roman (Challenge)

Amazing Science Discoveries: Chemistry - The Story of Atoms and Elements

War In The Trenches (World War One)

How We Digest Food (The Human Body in Focus)

Nature's Fury: Hurricane

Hopscotch: Cockerel's Big Egg

Little Red Riding Hood (Leapfrog Fairy Tales)

Pets Plus: Lizards and Snakes

The Clumsy Giant (Tadpoles)

The Animals' Football Final (Froglets)

Silk (Material World)

Tiddlers: Pippa's Painting

Double Decker Donald (Tadpoles)

Electricity: 5 (Science World)

Tom's Tooth (Tiddlers)

What Does A Magnet Do? (Investigating Science)

Reading Corner Phonics: The Old Tin Bath

The Fun Run (Reading Corner Phonics - Level 3)

My First Easter Book

My Town: 5 (Earthwise)

Espresso Story Time: Kim's Treehouse Pirate

Pupil Parliament (Taking Part)

Pupil Parliament (Taking Part)

Extreme Machines: Cars
Simply Science: Heat and Energy