books by publisher
Marshall Pickering

Junior Praise Prayers and Readings

In the Garden (Who made…)

Effective Biblical Counselling

Music Edition (World Praise)


God in Action

A Little Book of Comfort
Secret Choices for every married couple

God's Gloves

When the Writing on the Wall is in Brown Crayon

The Torn Veil: The Best-selling Story of Gulshan Esther

Isaiah 1-39 (New Century Bible)

Discovering Your Destiny

Freed for Ever

Streams in the Desert: Vol 5


Thirst after God

Fragile Dreams

Twelve Hundred Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes

Our God is Good

Children at Prayer

Breakfast with God: Vol 3

God is....

Plundering Hell: Story of Reinhard Bonnke

Gladys Aylward (Heroes of the Cross S.)

In the Country (Who made…)

The Miracles of Jesus (Evangelical heritage series)

John Wesley The Evangelist on Horseback {Heroes of the Cross}

The Hidden Treasures of Suffering