books by publisher
Routledge Falmer

Organising Learning in the Primary School Classroom

Managing Improving Primary Schools: Using Evidence-based Management

Improving Your Students' Learning (Open & Distance Learning)

500 Computing Tips for Teachers and Lecturers (500 Tips Series)

The Really Useful Science Book: Framework of Knowledge for Primary Teachers
The Study of Primary Education: v. 2: A Source Book

The Study of Primary Education: v. 3: A Source Book

Reflection in Learning and Professional Development: Theory and Practice

Democracy in One School: Progressive Education and Restructuring (Education Policy Perspectives)

A Guide to Creative Tutoring (Kogan Page books for teachers)

World Yearbook of Education 1999: Inclusive Education

Understanding Learners in Open and Distance Education (Open & Distance Learning)

Implementing Computer-supported Cooperative Learning

Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood

500 Tips on Assessment

Doing Research/Reading Research: Re-Interrogating Education

Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School

Early Childhood Educational Research: Issues in Methodology and Ethics

Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience

The Symbolic Order: A Contemporary Reader On The Arts Debate

Successful Study for Degrees

Children as Philosophers: Learning Through Enquiry and Dialogue in the Primary Classroom

That's Funny You Don't Look Like A Teacher!: Interrogating Images, Identity, And Popular Culture

Alternative Approaches to Education: A Guide for Parents and Teachers

Consultancy in the United Kingdom: Its Role and Contribution to Educational Change

Outcomes: Nvqs And The Emerging Model Of Education And Training

The Student's Guide to Writing Essays

500 Tips for Teachers

After Postmodernism: Education, Politics And Identity