books by publisher

Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics (Recent Advances in Phytochemistry)

Collaborative, Trusted and Privacy-Aware e/m-Services: 12th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2013, Athens, ... and Communication Technology, 399)

Quality of Service in the Emerging Networking Panorama: 5th International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services, QofIS 2004, and WQoSR 2004 ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3266)

Quality for All: 4th COST 263 International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services, QoFIS 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, October 1-2, 2003, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2811)

Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: In Honour of Don Walker: 9 (Linguistica Computazionale, 9)

Mobile Context Awareness: 10 (Human Computer Interaction)

Multiservice Loss Models for Broadband Telecommunication Networks (Telecommunication Networks and Computer Systems)

Group Communications and Charges; Technology and Business Models: 5th COST264 International Workshop on Networked Group Communications, NGC 2003, and ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2816)

Fundamentals of Neurophysiology (Springer Study Edition)

Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: IFIP TC8 / WG8.8 Fourth Working Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications September ... Information and Communication Technology, 52...

Further Linear Algebra (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors: Third Edition

Hip Sonography: Diagnosis and Management of Infant Hip Dysplasia

Year Book of Commercial Arbitration: 018 (Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Set)

Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, 1991: 16 (Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Set)

Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, 1990: 15 (Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Set)

The Nation's Oil: A Story of Control

Commercial Arbitration Yearbook 1996: yearbookcommercial arb 1994) (Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Set)

Common Eye Diseases and their Management

Poisoning Diagnosis and Treatment

Clinical Teaching in Nursing

The Finance of International Business

Stochastic Modeling in Economics and Finance: 75 (Applied Optimization, 75)

Feynman-Kac Formulae: Genealogical and Interacting Particle Systems with Applications (Probability and Its Applications)

Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives (Springer Finance)

Linear and Nonlinear Programming: 116 (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 116)

Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and Cases (Springer Finance)

Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives (Springer Finance)

Essential HTML fast (Essential Series)