books by publisher

Data Assimilation: Mathematical Concepts and Instructive Examples (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Food Waste at Consumer Level: A Comprehensive Literature Review (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

Morphodynamics of Mediterranean Mixed Sand and Gravel Coasts (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Discrete Fracture Network Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation: Coupling Flow and Geomechanics (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Deltas: Processes of Deposition and Models for Exploration

Handbook of Disease Burdens and Quality of Life Measures (Springer Reference)

Global Report on Student Well-Being: Volume IV: Religion, Education, Recreation, and Health: 004 (Recent Research in Psychology)

Data Mining Applications Using Artificial Adaptive Systems

The Star Atlas Companion: What you need to know about the Constellations (Springer Praxis Books)

Conditions of Happiness

Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism

Reproduction and Fitness in Baboons: Behavioral, Ecological, and Life History Perspectives (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects)

Flame and Combustion

Linear Algebra: An Introductory Approach (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

The Outcrop Quiz: A picture book of puzzles for geology students of all ages

Contouring Geologic Surfaces With The Computer (Van Nostrand Reinhold Catalysis Series)

Reservoir Model Design: A Practitioner's Guide

Fundamentals of Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling

Intercultural Language Use and Language Learning

Metals and Oxidative Damage in Neurological Disorders

Neonatal Intensive Care: Principles and Guidelines

Excitatory Amino Acids and Neuronal Plasticity: Symposium Proceedings: 268 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

Gene Cloning: The Mechanics of DNA Manipulation (Outline Studies in Biology)

Cell Biology (Molecular & Cell Biochemistry)

User Experience Design in the Era of Automated Driving: 980 (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 980)

Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2: Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories (Scientific Computation)

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Sets and Mappings (Essential Student Algebra)

Introduction to Knot Theory: 57 (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)