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International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A

By Theo Hahn

Coupled Boundary and Finite Element Methods for the Solution of the Dynamic Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem

By S Amini

Learning Organizations: Extending the Field

By Ariane Berthoin Antal, Peter Meusburger, Laura Suarsana

Geographies of Knowledge and Power

By Peter Meusburger, Derek Gregory, Laura Suarsana

Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology Volume 12 Lange/Nobel/Osmond/Ziegler: Physiological Plant Ecology Water Relations and Carbon Assimilation

By O L Lange

MCQs in neurology

By Kefah M. Mokbel

Demographic Transition Theory

By John C. Caldwell, B.K. Caldwell, P. Caldwell, P.F. McDonald, T. Schindlmayr

Political Modernisation and the Environment: The Renewal of Environmental Policy Arrangements

By J. van Tatenhove, B. Arts, P. Leroy

Nutrition and Food Processing

By Hans Gerd Muller, G. Tobin

Physiology and Biochemistry of Seeds. in Relation to Germination

By J Derek Bewley

Physiology and Biochemistry of Seeds. in Relation to Germination: Volume 2: Viability, Dormancy, and Environmental Control

By J Derek Bewley

Embryology of Angiosperms

Changing Educational Landscapes: Educational Policies, Schooling Systems and Higher Education - a comparative perspective

By Dimitris Mattheou

Parasitic Disease in Clinical Practice

By Gordon C Cook (Visiting Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology and Centre for Infectious Diseases, Royal Free and University College London Medical School, London, UK; President, The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, UK; President Ele...

Robot Motion Planning

By Jean-Claude Latombe

Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications

By Michael A. Einhorn

Knot and Prime Number

By Masanori Morishita

Cardiovascular Disease

By A Ross Lorimer, Lorimer

International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work: Bridging Academic and Vocational Learning (Editorial Advisory Board: Unesco-unevoc Handbooks and Book Series)

By Maclean, Rupert, Wilson, David

Pattern Recognition Approach to Data Interpretation

By Wolff, Diane

Bioinformatics for Immunomics: 3 (Immunomics Reviews:, 3)

By Flower, Darren D.R., Davies, Matthew, Ranganathan, Shoba

Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography: Scanning and Contrast Protocols

By Marchal, G., Vogl, T.J., Heiken, J P., Rubin, G. D.

Generalized Linear Models (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

By McCullagh, P., Nelder, John A.

MRCGP (MCQ's...Brainscan)

By Elliott, Peter G.

The Limits of Mathematics: A course on information theory and the limits of formal reasoning (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science)

By Chaitin, Gregory J.

Computer Games I

By Levy, David N.L.

Microwave High Power High Efficiency GaN Amplifiers for Communication: 955 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 955)

By Béra, Subhash Chandra

Physical Properties of Materials (The Modern University in Physics Series)

By Lovell, M. C.

Ecological Methods: With Particular Reference to the Study of Insect Populations

By Southwood, Sir Richard, Henderson, Peter

Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry

By Fifield, F. W., Kealey, D.