books by subject
3-D Graphics Software

Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)

3D Movie Making: Stereoscopic Digital Cinema from Script to Screen


Deconstructing the Elements with 3ds Max: Create natural fire, earth, air and water without plug-ins

Domain Decomposition: Parallel Multilevel Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

Killer Game Programming in Java

Object-Oriented System Development: A Gentle Introduction

Computer Simulation and Modelling

Human Choice and Climate Change: v. 3: The Tools for Policy Analysis

Systems and Control

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with "DirectX" 10

Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design

Offshore Structure Modeling: 9 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)

Geometric Modeling

Interactive Pictures in 3D!

An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (Complex Adaptive Systems)

Computer Simulation in Management Science

3D QSAR in Drug Design: Recent Advances (Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships, 3)

Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Applications Volume 2: v. 2 (Computer Simulations of Biomolecular Systems)

3D QSAR in Drug Design: Ligand-Protein Interactions and Molecular Similarity: 2 (Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships, 2)

Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Applications Volume 1: v. 1 (Computer Simulations of Biomolecular Systems)

3D QSAR in Drug Design: Volume 1: Theory Methods and Applications (Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships, 1)

Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012 Essentials

The world of plants (Great science adventures)

Principles of Mathematical Modelling

Geosimulation: Automata-based Modeling of Urban Phenomena

Connectionism: A Hands-on Approach

Simulation with Arena

Using Computational Fluid Dynamics