books by subject
Agriculture & Farming

Biochemical Mode of Action of Pesticides

The Law of Aquaculture: Law Relating to the Farming of Fish and Shellfish in Great Britain

People and Environment in Africa

The Crisis in African Agriculture

Good News from Africa: Farmers, Agricultural Research, and Food in the Pantry

Beyond Farmer First: Rural peoples knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice

Developmental Process and Technology: Case for a Resources Based Development Strategy in Nigeria

People And Environment: Development For The Future

The New Frontier: A Farmers' Response to Land Degradation: A West African Study

Environment Develop Agricultur

Room for Manoeuvre: Exploration of Public Policy Planning in Agriculture and Rural Development

Planning And Conducting Applied Agricultural Research

Systems Theory Applied to Agriculture and the Food Chain

Systems Theory Applied to Agriculture and the Food Chain

South-North Partnership in Strengthening Higher Education in Agriculture

Agricultural Geography

Ecology of Tropical Food Crops

Agricultural Marketing Enterprises for the Developing World: With Case Studies of Indigenous Private, Transnational Co-operative and Parastatal Enterprise

Theory and Practice in Plantation Agriculture: An Economic Review

Joining Farmers' Experiments: Experiences in participatory technology development

Farm Equipment Innovations in Eastern and Central Southern Africa

China's Rural Development Strategies

Crop Protection Agents: Conference Proceedings

Blueberry Culture

Pesticide Application: Principles and Practice

Forests and Landscapes: Linking Ecology, Sustainability and Aesthetics

Aphid Antagonists

Biopesticides: Use and Delivery

Blueberry Science