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Agriculture & Farming

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Qu'est-Ce Que Le Code de Conduite Pour Une Peche Responsable? (Documents Hors Collection)

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Disaster response and risk management in the fisheries sector (FAO fisheries technical paper)

By Westlund, Lena, Food and Agriculture Organization

Review of the current state of world aquaculture insurance (FAO fisheries technical paper)

By van Anrooy, Raymon, Food and Agriculture Organization

Agricultural Markets Beyond Liberalization

By van Tilburg, Aad, Moll, Henk A.J., Kuyvenhoven, A.

Global Challenges in Integrated Coastal Zone Management

By Dahl, Einar, Støttrup, Josianne, Moksness, Erlend

Promotion de L'Aquaculture Commerciale Durable En Afrique Subsaharienne (Fao Documents Technique Sur Les Peches): Cadre juridique, réglementaire et institutionnel

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A Strategic Reassessment of Fish Farming Potential in Africa (CIFA Technical Paper) (Cifa Technical Papers)

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

National Reviews: No. 23 Suppl (CIFA Technical Paper)

By Coche, Andr<130> G.

Biodiversity and the Ecosystem Approach in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Building an ecosystem approach to aquaculture: FAO/Universitat de les Illes Balears Expert Workshop, 7--11 May 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain: ... (FAO fisheries and aquaculture proceedings)

By Food and Agriculture Organization, Soto, Doris, Aguilar-Manjarrez, Josâ, Hishamunda, Nathanael

Integrated Coastal Area Management and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (FAO Guidelines)

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (State of World Fisheries & Aquaculture)

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Report of the Expert Consultation on the assessment of socio-economic impacts of aquaculture: Ankara, Turkey, 4-8 February 2008: 861 (FAO fisheries report)

By Food and Agriculture Organization

The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2006

By Food and Agriculture Organization: Fisheries Department

The Nature and Property of Soils

By Buckman, Harry O., Brady, Nyle C., Harry O. Buckman, Nyle C. Brady

Small Animal Ophthalmology: A Problem-Oriented Approach

By Peiffer Jr. DVM PhD DACVO, Robert L., Petersen-Jones DVetMed PhD DVOphthal DipECVO MRCVS, Simon M.

Notes on Canine Internal Medicine (A Veterinary practitioner handbook)

By Darke, P.G.G.

Amazon: An Extraordinary Journey Down The Greatest River On Earth

By Bruce Parry, Jane Houston

Garden Design Made Easy

By Newbury

The Plant Messiah: Adventures in Search of the World’s Rarest Species

By Magdalena, Carlos

The Great Food Gamble

By Humphrys, John

Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics (Cabi Publishing)

By Rothschild, Max F., Newman, Scott

The United Kingdom Pesticide Guide 1998

By Whitehead, R.

The Pesticide Manual

By Tomlin, C.

Rain Forests: Land Use Options for Amazonia

By Johnson, Craig, etc.

Sorghum (Tropical Agriculture) (Tropical Agriculture S)

By Doggett, Hugh

World Farming (Usborne Understanding Geography S.)

By Bramwell, Martyn, Beckett, Andrew

Irrigation: Design and Practice

By Withers, Bruce, Vipond, Stanley

Study and analysis of fees and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture development (FAO fisheries technical paper)

By Food and Agriculture Organization, Hasan, Mohammad R.

Strategic Assessment of the Potential for Freshwater Fish Farming in Latin America: No. 10. (COPESCAL Technical Paper)

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Kapetsky, James McDaid, Nath, Shree S.