books by subject
Balanced Scorecard Management

Operations and Process Management

Industrial Competitiveness: Cost Reduction

Climate Change Governance (Climate Change Management)

Gender and Innovation in the New Economy: Women, Identity, and Creative Work

Environmental Management Accounting for Cleaner Production: 24 (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 24)

Creativity, Design Thinking and Interdisciplinarity (Creativity in the Twenty First Century)

Operatns Management Interactive CD Package

Forecasting: Methods and Applications

Reinventing Project Management: The Diamond Approach To Successful Growth And Innovation

Operations Management

Quantitative Methods: A Short Course

Rational Analysis for a Problematic World: Problem Structuring Methods for Complexity, Uncertainty and Conflict

Just-in-Time in American Manufacturing

Managing Quality

Engineering Applications: A Project-Based Approach: A Project Resource Book

Understanding Business Process Re-engineering In A Week (IAW)



The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment

Six Sigma for Managers: 24 Lessons to Understand and Apply Six Sigma Principles in Any Organization (The McGraw-Hill Professional Education Series)

Business Logistics Management: International Edition

Operations Management in Business

Enterprise Mobility: Tiny Technology with Global Impact on Work (Technology, Work and Globalization)

Sustainable Global Outsourcing: Achieving Social and Environmental Responsibility in Global IT and Business Process Outsourcing (Technology, Work and Globalization)

Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing

I Want You to Cheat!: The Unreasonable Guide to Service and Quality in Organisations

Economic Capital Allocation with Basel II: Cost, Benefit and Implementation Procedures

The Management of Operations (Wiley Series in Production/Operations Management)

Operations Management