books by subject
Change Management

ITIL For Dummies

The Green Workplace: Sustainable Strategies That Benefit Employees, the Environment, and the Bottom Line

Human Resource Management in Project-Based Organizations: The HR Quadriad Framework

Managing Complexity in Organizations: Text and Cases

Autopoietic Knowledge Systems in Project-Based Companies

Cross-Sector Leadership for the Green Economy: Integrating Research and Practice on Sustainable Enterprise

The Corporation of the 1990s: Information Technology and Organizational Transformation

Developing Global Leaders: A Guide to Managing Effectively in Unfamiliar Places

Diary of a Change Agent

Innovation and Change in Organizations

A Strategy of Change: Concepts and Controversies in the Management of Change

Design in Business

101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques: The Handbook of New Ideas for Business

Special Events: Event Leadership for a New World


HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Management (including featured article "Leading Change," by John P. Kotter)

Microsoft Project 2013 Step by Step

Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation

The Portable MBA in Project Management (Portable MBA (Wiley))

Practice and Revision Kit (CIMA Intermediate Paper 10 Systems and Project Management (ISPM))

Changeable Organization

Workplace Learning and Development: Delivering Competitive Advantage for Your Organization

Ten Steps to a Learning Organization - Revised

Title: PC Learning Labs Teaches Microsoft Project 30 for

Changing Forms of Employment: Organizations, Skills and Gender (No.3, 1995)

Europe 2002

Self-development in Organizations

The Project Workout : A Tool Kit for Reaping the Rewards from All Your Business Projects [First Edition]