books by subject
Educational Psychology

Supporting Pupils with Emotional Difficulties: Creating a Caring Environment for All

Contemporary Perspectives on Reading and Spelling

Rob Long's Intervention Toolbox: For Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

STEM Careers: A Student's Guide to Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning: The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme

Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print

The Psychology of Dyslexia: A Handbook for Teachers

A Mind at a Time: How Every Child Can Succeed

Learning by Heart

50 Activities Emotional Intelligence L1

Ordinary Families: A Systems Approach to Childhood Disability

School Learning: Mechanisms and Processes

Discourse in Educational and Social Research

Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention

Piaget's Construction of the Child's Reality

Computers Cognition and Development: Issues for Psychology and Education

Problem Solving and Education: Issues in Teaching and Research

Children's Speech and Literacy Difficulties: Identification and Intervention

The Dialogical Self Theory in Education: A Multicultural Perspective: 5 (Cultural Psychology of Education, 5)

Transforming Assessment: Through an Interplay Between Practice, Research and Policy: 4 (Contributions from Science Education Research, 4)

The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education

Professional Learning Conversations: Challenges in Using Evidence for Improvement: 1 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 1)

Father Involvement in Young Children’s Lives: A Global Analysis: 6 (Educating the Young Child, 6)

Teacher Professional Learning in an Age of Compliance: Mind the Gap: 2 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 2)

Service Learning as Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education: Theory, Research, and Practice: 11 (Educating the Young Child, 11)

Principals in Succession: Transfer and Rotation in Educational Administration: 13 (Studies in Educational Leadership, 13)

Professional Learning Conversations: Challenges in Using Evidence for Improvement: 1 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 1)

Teaching Compassion: Humane Education in Early Childhood: 8 (Educating the Young Child, 8)