books by subject
Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

A Simple Approach to Digital Signal Processing

Water: the Key to New Energy: Cavitating Electrolyzers & Zero-Point Energy

Fundamentals of Automotive Electronics

Signal Processing for Industrial Diagnostics

Introduction to Operational Amplifiers: Theory and Applications

Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems

Principles of Digital Image Processing

Newnes Electronics Engineer's Pocket Book (Newnes Pocket Books)

Switched-Mode Power Supplies in Practice

Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design: with Low Noise Oscillators

Solid-State Power Conversion Handbook

Introduction to Discrete-time Signals and Systems

Circuits And Fields

Switched Currents: An analogue technique for digital technology

Practical Interface Circuits for Micros

Digital Signal Processing: A Student's Guide

Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics

The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility

Elsevier's Dictionary of Microelectronics

The Everything Blueprint: The Microchip Design that Changed the World

The Battle of the Beams: The secret science of radar that turned the tide of the Second World War

Vegan Mug Cakes: 40 Easy Cakes to Make in a Microwave

Talking to Robots: How Humans and Machines Will Live Together in the Future

Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals

Statics and Dynamics Demystified

Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

YouTubers: How YouTube Shook Up TV and Created a New Generation of Stars

Principles of Electronics

EMC at Component and PCB Level