books by subject
Great Britain History

Redefining Christian Britain: Post 1945 Perspectives

Return To Akenfield: Portrait Of An English Village In The 21st Century

The University of Cambridge: A New History

Adrift on the Veld

Robert Adam's London

21st Century Corbett: Maritime Strategy and Naval Policy for the Modern Era

The Rise And Fall of British Naval Mastery

Twenty Years A-Growing (The World"s Classics)

Three French Writers and the Great War: Studies in the Rise of Communism and Fascism

Friends For Life (Melrose and Croc)

Jack the Ripper Unmasked

Battle Story Isandlwana 1879

A 1940s Childhood: From Bomb Sites to Children's Hour

Death in the Ice: The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition

Sutton Hoo: Burial Ground of Kings?

Beau Brummell

Stationary Steam Engines

Most Secret and Confidential: Intelligence in the Age of Nelson

Shelley: The Pursuit


Paving the Third Way: The Critique of Parliamentary Socialism - a Socialist Register Anthology

Ask the Fellows Who Cut the Hay

The New Arrival: The Heartwarming True Story of a 1970s Trainee Nurse

We Remember the Home Guard


Robert Peel: A Biography

The Ulster Awakening: An Account of the 1859 Revival in Ireland

In Pursuit of Spring

Regiments and Corps of the British Army